Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why lolita?

An interesting thing I've noticed about the way some people do lolita is that it's not just an escape into a prettier world, but actively rejecting the stark ugliness they see around them. They know they're not real princesses or dolls or vampires or whatever look they're going for, but they will cover up everything they can in their lives with something prettier if it doesn't measure up. Not that none of them enjoy any escapism of any kind (I suspect most people do), but lolita seems to be more about actually doing something about your surroundings--even if it only reaches as far out as your clothes, and only so often.

Or maybe this is just what I like about lolita and I'm projecting it onto other people who enjoy the style. At any rate, it's got me thinking about what it is about lolita that appeals to me and what kind of lolita substyles I actually enjoy wearing, and I'm finding that the approaches that make me happiest usually make me feel like some sort of aristocratic monster. Not an actual aristocrat with tons of money and a title, but something that looks like one. Something uncanny that doesn't age, or at least pretends they don't. Possibly something with sharp teeth. Monsters survive everything and do whatever the hell they feel like, and I suspect that's part of the appeal of dressing like one for me.

Tradgoth and punk elements hold a similar appeal while reflecting the actual context of my life better than lolita since punk is basically rejecting the standards of industrial society and it tends to look better if your clothes are ripped and worn. It's also just more practical on a daily basis of course (in terms of cost and ability to move/fit through tighter spaces.) But at the same time, the more practical, the less monster confidence boost I get from an outfit. Modern vampire characters like Zillah from Lost Souls seem like a good balance--he doesn't exactly run around dressed in frills, but he still finds ways to express himself in his appearance that remain practical enough for him while still being distinct and unsettling. (Are those of you who know who I'm talking about giggling hysterically at my treatment of Zillah as any kind of role model yet? XD)

Although personalizing one's surroundings can be really empowering, I find that it can also be a bit tiring for me because I will never be able to make everything perfect. Instead, I've started to try and selectively fit my surroundings into my style and blend the two. Which can also be frustratingly difficult, but it feels a little more do-able even if I haven't quite found the right balance yet.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Adjustments II

Three or four years ago, I got three new pairs of cords (actually new, not just new to me). They have not only lost a lot of their fuzz by now, but two of the three pairs are developing holes. I'd been thinking it might be time to get rid of them soon, but then I remembered the tin full of safety pins I have sitting around (and that I enjoy garments riddled with safety pins but haven't worn them as much as I used to.) Awkward vertical knee hole fixed.

As for the holes in the inner upper thighs, I'm thinking I'll patch them from the inside in contrasting denim (I've been planning to find a used pair of jeans to cut up into fabric for patches anyway) so I'll have the coverage a pair of pants should while still showing the pretty fraying threads.

Since the last adjustments post, I've also been planning on patching up my black back pack with the gross logos on it and the oversized blue-and-white striped shirt that was originally part of my Misa cosplay, but right now any money I can save is going toward my Mello cosplay so I can have it ready for con season (which starts with Anime Detour for me >__>). Once I can afford it, I plan to buy/make a bunch of patches. I still need to buy materials for the ones I plan to make, but I've located a couple pictures online to make stencils out of, at least (the wings/heart logo from Elisabeth promo stuff and the Decemberunderground circle of rabbits.)

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Basil watched Death's face shrivel and burn. He'd mistaken it for Eric Draven's at first. The warmth

was pleasant, but his stomach was turning as he watched his library go up in smoke. Well, they

weren't entertaining. He'd loved them once, but that morning he realized that he hadn't picked up any 

book off that shelf in three years. 

He could smell the linoleum in the kitchen melting, but he didn't care. At least, not at that moment. 

"Maybe now it'll finally warm up," Ezra murmured, squatting at the edge of the flaming pile of books 

and leaning in closer than Basil dared.

"What is this, some sort of reverse rain dance?"

"Something like that," Ezra said.

"My landlady's gonna be so pissed."

"So leave before she finds out."

"And go where, exactly?"

Ezra shrugged. "Up to you, really."

Basil tossed a crumpled piece of waxed paper from a sandwich onto the pile. He wondered when it 

would spread enough to burn the rest of the apartment. Or would it burn through the floor first? "You 

say that so casually. Like there's even anywhere for me to go."

Ezra rolled his eyes and looked up at Basil. "You have worlds at the soles of your pretty pink Docs. 

Pick one."

Basil snorted. "There you go again."

Ezra smirked and looked back at the fire. "Well, you do."

"Like where?"

"Like... anywhere. You just have to stop dismissing everything as nonviable."

"Excuse me for not wanting to be a gutter punk."

"Do I look like a gutter punk to you?" Ezra was smiling up at him again.

"You--I don't even know what you look like."

Ezra looked back at the fire again. "Sure you do."

"Not like it matters. I can't go tagging along with you."

"Damn straight you can't. We maybe oughta put this out if we don't want it to do even more damage."

Basil dumped the bucket of water sitting on the counter onto the pile without bothering to aim 

around Ezra, who flopped backward and managed to only get his shoes wet.

"I don't really have to leave here, do I? I mean, I can live with a blackened kitchen floor and a ticked 

off landlady."

"No you can't," Ezra said automatically as he lit a cigarette.

"Same difference, I guess."



Basil wondered how long it would take her to notice the bathroom. He'd hoped maybe she would like 

it, but deep down he knew she'd take it the wrong way.

He'd been awake for the past four hours since he finished painting it. He'd meant to sleep, but he was 

too amped up anticipating her reaction. Up you get.

He forced himself to sit up on the couch and roll into a standing position in one fluid motion--no one 

was there to see, but it amused him anyway.

"Basil, what the hell is this?"

"A painting."

His friend's mouth flattened and eyes narrowed. "No shit, Sherlock. Why is it on my bathroom wall?"

Basil shrugged. He had no excuse and did not feel like he needed one even though he knew people 

usually pretended like they wanted one when he did things like this.

"What is this even supposed to be?"

At first Basil had been thinking of the splatter his body would make on the sidewalk if he were to 

jump off Sarah's balcony, but once he'd started painting he couldn't stop thinking of his comics that 

time he set them all on fire. It had turned out a bit too orange and misshapen to look like a bloody 

corpse in the end. Basil figured that was probably a good thing.


"Fuck your art. Are you going to clean this up?"


Sarah's lips were trembling. So was the rest of her. Basil couldn't help but be drawn to the bags 

around her bloodshot eyes. He wanted to paint them. He wasn't sure if painting the image of them on 

something else or putting paint on them would be more satisfying.

"Basil, get out."

"Okay." There were worlds at the soles of his pretty pink Docs, but he didn't like any of them. Or at 

least, he didn't like them from the inside. They always seemed so appealing from the outside. 



Basil looked over his shoulder. He didn't know the person who was shouting at him, so he just turned 

around and continued contemplating the Mississippi.

"Look, man, I don't know what your life is life, but don't just throw it all away--"

Basil giggled when he realized what it looked like he was doing. Just a few inches made so much 

difference. Well, it wasn't the inches, he supposed. The difference was there were two sides of the 

guard rails on this bridge, and he was standing on the wrong side of them even if his hands were 

hanging onto the right side.

"Dude, what is wrong with you? Are you high?"

Basil had just begun to quit giggling when the man said something even funnier, so he had to start 

laughing. He saw the man's hand cautiously moving toward his arm and thought of a self-defense 

move his older brother had taught him when they were kids. There wasn't really a lot of momentum 

for Basil to take advantage of in this case, but he figured he was strong enough to make up for that so 

he single-handedly yanked the man over the rail by his wrist and sent him plunging.

Never made an impact like that before. He was replaying the death scream of his victim in his head 

even though he hadn't really listened very hard the first time. Then he realized this is shit. All of this 

is garbage. I don't even know if I feel better or worse after writing this. It does seem to reflect my 

mood at the moment pretty well, though.